Parameters in Python Functions
3 min readJun 20, 2021
- kind = bar → used in plot() function to tell what kind of chart we want bar, line, area, box, etc.,
- sorted=True
- figsize(5,6) → used in plot() to adjust size of the graph
- colormap=’magma’ → used in plot() to adjust color of the graph
- fontsize=5 → used in plot() to set font size on the graph
- yticks → used in plot() to set the number of points on y-axis
- color → used in plot() to set color of the graph
- linestyle=’.-‘ → used in plot() to set line graph style
- chunksize= 1000 → used in readstata() to set the number of rows it should show
- axis=0 → this is used in different functions for example, sort(axis=0) means it’ll sort data of x-axis
- skiprows=3 → this parameter is used in read_csv() function to skip the number of rows from the file being read
- encoding=’utf-8’ → used in read_csv() function to mention encoding of incoming file
- autopct=’%.4f%%’ → used in plot() function to display a % values in a pie chart and value will be displayed up to 4 decimal places
- explode=space → used in plot() function to display spaces between the pies in pie chart
- legend=True → used in plot() function while drawing pie charts which will tell what will each color represent in the chart
- wedgeprops={‘width’:0.15} → used in plot() function while drawing pie charts to remove the center filling of pies in pie chart
- shadow=True → used in plot() function to produce shadow of the graph/pie chart
- startangle=n → used in plot() function to adjust the position of legend so that it doesn’t overlap with your chart data
- grid=True → used in plot() function for scatter plot chart and it’ll create a grid at the background for readability
- stacked=True → used in plot(kind=’bar’)/plot(kind=’area’) to draw a stacked bar chart/stacked area chart
- cmap=PuBuG → used while plotting heat map and this will tell the color which you want to use
- annot=True → used in Heat Maps to show values inside the boxes
- pad_width=2 → used in np.pad() function where it adds 2 rows and columns with a specific value mention in parameter constant_value
- palette → used in sns.violinplot() and this is for coloring
- loc → This parameter is used in plt.legend() function which accepts values as below
=============== =============
Location String Location Code
=============== =============
‘best’ 0
‘upper right’ 1
‘upper left’ 2
‘lower left’ 3
‘lower right’ 4
‘right’ 5
‘center left’ 6
‘center right’ 7
‘lower center’ 8
‘upper center’ 9
‘center’ 10
=============== =============
- wedgeprops → This parameter is used to convert a pie chart to donut chart
- sharex()→ This is used when you are using subplots where the x-axis is range is shared similarly across all the graphs
- Kde → this parameter is used in distplot() where kde=True gives the line on the histogram and marking it false will disappear the line
- na_values → this parameter is part of read_csv function which helps to replace a particular string with NaN. For instance, there are ? In the data which is not correct as shown below
Now, we’ll replace that with NaN as shown below
NOTE: This is a Work In Progress story and will keep updating with few more parameters.